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  • The Application Of Laser Cleaning Machine

    The Application Of Laser Cleaning Machine

    Laser cleaning is a process in which a laser beam is emitted from a laser cleaning machine. And the handheld will always be pointed at a metal surface with any surface contamination. If you receive a part full of grease, oil, and any surface contaminants, you can use this laser cleaning process t...
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  • The comparision between plasma cutting machine and fiber laser cutting machine

    The comparision between plasma cutting machine and fiber laser cutting machine

    Plasma laser cutting can be used if the requirements for cutting parts are not high, because the advantage of plasma is cheap. The cutting thickness can be a little thicker than the fiber. The disadvantage is that the cutting burns the corners, the cutting surface is scraped, and it is not smooth...
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  • Main parts for fiber laser cutting machine – LASER CUTTING HEAD

    Main parts for fiber laser cutting machine – LASER CUTTING HEAD

    The brand for laser cutting head include Raytools, WSX, Au3tech. The raytools laser head has four focal lengths: 100, 125, 150, 200, and 100, which mainly cut thin plates within 2 mm. The focal length is short and the focusing is fast, so when cutting thin plates, the cutting speed is fast and th...
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  • Maintenance for laser cutting machine

    Maintenance for laser cutting machine

    1. Change the water in the water cooler once a month. It is best to change to distilled water. If distilled water is not available, pure water can be used instead. 2. Take out the protective lens and check it every day before turning it on. If it is dirty, it needs to be wiped. When cutting the S...
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