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Causes and solutions for poor laser cutting quality

Poor laser cutting quality may be caused by many factors, including equipment settings, material properties, operating techniques, etc. Here are some common problems and their corresponding solutions:

1. Improper laser power setting

Cause: If the laser power is too low, it may not be able to completely cut through the material; if the power is too high, it may cause excessive material ablation or edge burns.

Solution: Adjust the laser power to ensure that it matches the material thickness and type. You can find the best power setting by trial cutting.

2. Inappropriate cutting speed

Cause: If the cutting speed is too fast, the laser energy cannot fully act on the material, resulting in incomplete cutting or burrs; if the speed is too slow, it may cause excessive material ablation and rough edges.

Solution: According to the material properties and thickness, adjust the cutting speed to find the right cutting speed for high-quality cutting.

3. Inaccurate focus position

Cause: The deviation of the laser focus position may cause rough cutting edges or uneven cutting surfaces.

Solution: Regularly check and calibrate the laser focus position to ensure that the focus is accurately aligned with the material surface or the specified depth.

4. Insufficient gas pressure or improper selection

Reason: If the gas pressure is too low, the slag cannot be effectively removed, and if the pressure is too high, the cutting surface may be rough. In addition, the selection of inappropriate gas (such as using air instead of nitrogen or oxygen) will also affect the cutting quality.

Solution: According to the material type and thickness, adjust the pressure of the auxiliary gas and select the appropriate auxiliary gas (such as oxygen, nitrogen, etc.).

5. Material quality problem

Reason: Impurities, oxide layers or coatings on the surface of the material will affect the absorption and cutting quality of the laser.

Solution: Make sure to use high-quality and clean materials. If necessary, you can first clean the surface or remove the oxide layer.

6. Unstable optical path system

Reason: If the optical path of the laser is unstable or the lens is damaged or contaminated, it will affect the quality of the laser beam, resulting in poor cutting effect.

Solution: Regularly check and maintain the optical path system, clean or replace the lens, and ensure that the optical path is stable.

7. Insufficient maintenance of laser equipment

Reason: If the laser cutting machine is not maintained for a long time, it may cause a decrease in accuracy and poor cutting quality.

Solution: Regularly perform comprehensive inspection and maintenance of the laser cutting machine according to the equipment maintenance manual, including lubricating moving parts, calibrating the optical path, etc.

By carefully analyzing the problems that occur during laser cutting and combining the above possible causes and solutions, the cutting quality can be significantly improved.

Post time: Sep-09-2024