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Air compressor management when the weather gets hot


1. Things to note when managing air compressors in summer

In the high temperature environment in summer, the following points need to be paid attention to when managing air compressors:

Temperature control: The air compressor will generate a lot of heat when running, so make sure the machine is well ventilated and remove the heat in time to prevent the equipment from overheating. At the same time, the cleanliness of the radiator should be checked regularly to ensure good heat dissipation.

Humidity management: High humidity in summer can easily cause condensation inside the air compressor, affecting the normal operation of the equipment. Therefore, the sealing of the equipment should be checked regularly to prevent moisture intrusion. In addition, you can also reduce the humidity in the computer room by installing dehumidification equipment or using desiccant.

Oil management: High temperatures in summer can easily cause air compressor lubricating oil to deteriorate, so the oil quality must be checked regularly and unqualified lubricating oil should be replaced in a timely manner. At the same time, ensure the cleanliness of the fuel tank to prevent impurities from contaminating the oil.

2. Summer maintenance of air compressor

In order to ensure the stable operation of the air compressor in summer, the following maintenance work needs to be done:

Clean regularly: There is a lot of dust in summer, and dust and impurities tend to accumulate inside the air compressor. Therefore, the air compressor must be cleaned regularly, including cleaning the radiator, filter and other components to ensure the cleanliness of the equipment.

Check the electrical system: The electrical system is key to the normal operation of the air compressor. High temperatures in summer may cause problems such as aging of electrical components and short circuits. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly check the wiring, switches and other components of the electrical system to ensure its normal operation.

Adjust operating parameters: According to the characteristics of high temperatures in summer, the operating parameters of the air compressor can be appropriately adjusted, such as reducing the exhaust pressure, increasing the cooling water flow, etc., to improve the operating efficiency of the equipment.

3. Air compressor troubleshooting in summer

During summer operation, the air compressor may experience some failures. Here are some common troubleshooting methods:

High exhaust temperature: If the exhaust temperature rises abnormally, the radiator may be clogged or the cooling water flow may be insufficient. At this time, the radiator should be checked and cleaned, and the cooling water system should be checked to ensure smooth water flow.

Large pressure fluctuations: Pressure fluctuations may be caused by gas leakage in the gas system or failure of the pressure regulating valve. The sealing of the gas line system should be checked and the damaged pressure regulating valve should be replaced.

Motor overheating: Motor overheating may be caused by excessive load or poor heat dissipation. At this time, you should check the load condition, reduce the load appropriately, and ensure that the motor has good heat dissipation.

The key points of air compressor management in summer cover precautions, maintenance and troubleshooting. By doing these tasks well, you can ensure that the air compressor operates stably in high-temperature environments in summer, providing reliable guarantee for enterprise production. At the same time, attention should also be paid to targeted management and maintenance according to the characteristics and usage environment of specific equipment during actual operation to achieve the best management results.

Post time: Jun-04-2024